Monday 3 January 2011

Milan Part 1

My 1st post for 2011!!  ╰( ≥ ∀ ≤ )╯ Happy new year everyone!
As promised, here's my 1st post about my trip to Milan.

I didn't prepare much for Milan cause I somehow left everything to Jeri. Gladly enough, I had atleast downloaded one useful application in my iphone before I go. And that's 'Basic Italian for Dummies'. 

Laugh as much as you can, I seriously don't know anything about Italian!

Although the app wasn't really that good but it had proven useful because some people I encountered in Milan does NOT understand English at all!!

Let me begin our story. 

Due to the snow in uk, our flight was delayed for nearly 4 hours! So when we reached Milan it was already late at night. 

Took a taxi to Hostel Greco Milan where we stayed for 2 nights. It was 10.30pm by the time we finally settled, the only restaurant open that time was a Pizzeria. So Margherita pizza was my first food in Milan!

Next morning,
this is what we had for breakfast.

Afterward our 1st day adventure in Milan began. 
We got lost at 1st and ended up in China town (lol), luckily a chinese woman helped us with our journey. We purchased 24 hour tickets and went on a tram to the City Centre, Doumo.  

Reaching Doumo, the woman warned us about thieves. Even though we were aware of that, our money were still STOLEN
Some African guys TRICKED us by being too nice and tied a stupid friendship bracelet around our wrist (even though i told him NO), then he FORCED us to pay 10euro each! I knew it from the start it was a trick but we couldn't run away that time, we were surrounded by big mean scary African dudes! 
So Jeri paid for me too with a total of 20euro, but then the other guy forced ME to pay out 20euro as well! Like wtf??! 
I didn't pay (and lied that I didn't have any money), but we managed to escape anyway. 

Running away from the thieves, we went inside the Milan Cathedral

The inside was pretty huge and amazing. It is said that this cathedral is the largest gothic cathedral in the world taking five centuries to complete! 

We put our strength together to go back outside. We walked around the glass-domed arcade of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

After some walk, we saw a Christmas market! 

There were various types of things you can see being sold there, especially food. We noticed a stall full of people buying Arancini and we had no idea what it is!!  There were many choice and one of them labelled 'Salmone', like doesn't that mean Salmon filled?! 

So we gave it a try. 
And omg, it was beyond delicious! Inside was a hot rice filled with melting mozzarella cheese. 
After enjoying some bit, to my horror, we found out there were ham toward the bottom of the arancini (and I can't eat ham!). I didn't get a taste of it though, Jeri realised it before I tried it.

I was then in a bad mood because I couldn't get to eat it anymore. So we looked around for more food to eat. 

After some walking distance, we found ourselves in another new shopping area.
Maybe a good restaurant could be found around this place. 
Wondering what kind of lunch did I have that day? 
Wait till my next post!


Esma said...

I owez dream dat one day i wud visit Italy. And Milan is my top of cities dat i wud go 1st! I was screaming wen i noe u go der. Yeah, m a freak. LOL!!!! Rambang mta ku mliat post ani eh...kekek.

Teacup said...

Italy :D I've always wanted to go there. Seems like it's a really nice place - besides the people who tricked you ;-; Shop owners do the same. As long as they know you're a tourist, they try to scam you D:

YongWei said...

next time remember to put me inside ur luggage ok?

Huy Tran said...

Milan sounded fun! except for the $$ issue. omgahhhhh. can't believe your $$ was still stolen. *patpat* (:

Gisella said...

I'm Italian and I found this post really funny (I lold at the part of the bracelet sellers, every time it happens to me I have to run away or ignore them)xD next time remember to visit my city, Padua, too x3
PS: I love Arancini so much! It's a pity you can't eat ham T_T

mylittleoctopus said...

[Mizarwen] Really? You have to prepare a lot of money if you wanna go to Milan cause it's a place full of expensive branded shops. = = And im not into shopping these kind of stuff.

[Shen] XD I guess you're right, I tried so hard not to like a tourist (by not taking much photos), but that doesnt really work since im an asian who can't speak italian.

[YongWei] Ok ok, ╰( ≥ ∀ ≤ )╯ Next time before i go, we meet up in the airport for you to go inside my luggage next time la. Chaos.

mylittleoctopus said...

[Huy tran] Most of my friends have their money stolen in Milan. So i must say that Milan is not a safe place to visit ╭(◉Д◉;)╮But the place is beautiful!

[Giselle] Owh wow, i never thought a person from Italy would read this post ╰(◉ω◉)╯ Im glad it didn't offend you.
Its hard to ignore those sellers because they kept forcing me, I guess i look like a very easy target. ╭(⫪Д⫪;)╮And yes, Arancini is so good! I never know the existence of this food til then! Thanx :D I'll look up Padua later!

AJ Awang said...

wahhhhhh!. am just, wahhhhh.... n fruit-looking bread atu kinda awesome! did you try any? eheh laju2 post the 2nd part, yeah? xD

mylittleoctopus said...

No i didnt tried the fruit breads! And aku nyasal berabez! DX I wonder how it tasted like~.........
And 2nd post... will take a long~ time since my deadlines are close. :P Whoops

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm your pizza and breakfast look soo good hehe I am so hungry!! Loooks like you had a fun holiday :)

♥Bunny♥ said...

wow~~!! It looks like such a nice place to visit and lucky you! Not so sure if the app was that useful but at least you did use it!
I love margerrita pizza! i bet it must have tasted 10 times yummier than the local ones....
I never knew China town existed in Italy! I bet they are EVERYWHERE in the world!!
And sorry to hear about the encounter with the thieves... :( That is just wrong... but luckily you manage to get away from them!!

The cathedral is just beautiful! I sooo want to go visit it now!!

and wow... I seriously thought those were fruits until I read that its all bread!! Amazing!!!

Will be looking forward to more posts!!

~KawaiiParadise~ said...

wahh, Milan is absolutely amazing *add to my list of places to visit ^^*. I'm so sorry about the thieves, that is a scary incident. Next time use your karate chop on them lolz jk. Hope you have a great new year dearie ^^
~XOXO Charlotte

Dewi ♥ said...

Nice post! Yummy food ^^
Scary !! :O (about those thieves)
and they wanted more money, what the @#$%^&!!

Saving Capulet said...

oh awesome post, I enjoyed reading this, really. I'm sorry to hear about those african dudes, so nasty!! and the food looks super yum and you are incredibly cute as always!

Lily said...

Aw Italy sounds fun. :D Apart from the whole people trying to steal money off you. o_o

O: The cathedral looks HUGE.

The food looks tasty! And the fruit shaped bread looks awesome! :D

Nonny Atika said...

great place to visit! A bit shocked about the thieves.. but biasalah, things like that happened when u become a tourist almost anywhere..just have to be extra careful..anyways, awesomes pics..keep it coming pu3!

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