Rabbits ears! lol, okay la, i was born in the year of rabbit anyway.
*Hey, you have a bunny hat!* owh ya~.......
How come have snail there?
Im kinda surprised, 'si-put' (snail) is also one of the names my friends called me. I dont think you know that right Daidai? :P Magic
So in return, I made a drawing of you ^^
This was drawn with a pen, and thus couldn't change the mistakes i made like the hair and the chins.
But anyway, hope you like it :D
Anyone else interested to be drawn?
Go make a drawing of me 1st la hohoho.
hahaha was about to say, "aku! aku!" skali bwh2 tu u say, to make a drawing of u first.. n i was like 'awww..mana lah~ ku pndi~" ahahaha.. ko tau, klu ko nda mention those mistakes, mana ku tau tu..lam utak ku tadi, "wah, handal nya pki pen..lawa~" ahaha good job Pu3 xD
any black pen is ok..kcuali yg ball pen cz wen scan it turn out brown. ryt Pu3 :) glad to noe such a creative frn over blogging world. bleh buat aku? bt m too hideous to be drawn eh.kekeke...buat my ucing sja *wink*
oh i really dunno haha =p really thanks for the drawing i love it will keep it =p
[LoveStory] La~.. sorryy to dissapoint you lol. But takpela, since aznur (and mizarwen) my top commenter, i try to draw you both in return okey? :P
Owh i guess u never realised in highschool i never use pencil to draw before. Kebiasaan already. Its for pemalas people like me only haha
[Mizarwen] Lapas scan turned to brown? Really? Lol, cali jua, mine okay saja~.. i think... Nyeh, there's always photoshop kan XD
Owh mizarwen, i started drawing you already! Lawa kali ah~ cantik, ayu dan senyuman manis. Compare to me =_= berjerawat, idung basar, mulut damit and senyuman menyakitkan ati. *sob*
[daidai bel] Yay, im very glad! ;)
Wh, dats so nyc of u, Pu3. Cool eh! Would lyk to see it. Cana bah my face in cartoon would look lyk *tinkin* hmmm...
Yea, it turned out brown using ball pen biasa cz i only draw d lines lightly. Tak secantik bila pakai drawing pen (ceh) or my scanner x rusak (ick)Hahah..Bah, i draw a 'chain cartoon' of u lah and d rest of my hepi bloggers. Bt nw, need to unpack my belongings. Nyeh~
Draw me! Draw me! Ouh...have to draw you first? But I suck at drawing. :p
haha aww..bh, i'll wait for 'my' cartoon.. xP n thanx pu3...xD
Interesting blog~
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