12 September 2007
Im getting stronger day by day, cant wait fresher’s week to come~!! Mmm~ 1 more week I guess~ Im starting to wonder why did I come to Aberdeen so early? So many work cant be done until next week~!! I cant open my bank account coz im not fully registered as a student yet~ Cant register to a doctor yet, cant get involve in any activity yet~ so alone coz I haven’t met any Asianz yet~ donno why I cant get along really well with my org putih frenz, eventho they’re friendly and nice to talk to, itz just so different~! ~ SIGH~!!
Ku naik turun bas around Aberdeen yesterday~ walk around the c
ity~.. alone. Some junkie came to me and ask for money~ man that was creepy~..i walked away from him as fast as I can~ saving self, no one to turn to, and only depend on myself~.. Haha, it gives me this special feelings which make me wanna be brave and stronger.
Aha~ actually d reason y I went around is to find the HSBC&Lloyds bankz, also in search for the Aberdeen medical cntre to register to a doctor. Fortunately, my friend Mary from Kazakhstan kebetulan kan ke city jua having an appointment with a dr~ so, I decided to go with her~ sides itz my 1st time riding on bus. 98p to Uni, 1.2pounds for goin to the city, and 2.70pounds for whole day any bus trip ticket~ to think of the places I was planning to go~ I guess it’ll be better to buy the 2.70 adults 1st day. And I was totally grateful with it~ riding a double decker bus~ man, imagine my sakainess~!! We hopped out once we arrive in Li’l John’s Street~ the weather’s getting colder~ good thing I bought my red jacket~
Mary asked me to make sure I wear them~ She’s a really considerate person, she showed me around uni, also told me to check my stuffz and make sure itz safe, lock the door and always ask me if I need any more help.
My other flat mates are pretty nice too~ Lucy from Birmingham & Caramel from Ireland~ both are postgraduates~
Nywy, Mary helped me so much that I don’t want to mnyusahkan ia this time~ told her I’ll be taking on another road and let her do her thing, then she said, “Be careful okay, don’t get lost, make sure to ask anyone if ur lost?!”~ “okay~ thankz ya~!” – I giggled, den d org putih guyz beside me started to imitate my gigglez~ I tried to ignore, but then they giggled louder~ all I could do is walked by faster, head straight, no turning back~ d feeling is just different in diz different world~ I mean I don’t care if I was imitated by some strangers in Brunei~ but here, man, I thought it was scary~!
Walking from Union street to Queens road~ takes about half an hour~ I could take the bus, but dat time I wasn’t brave enough to do that, I would rather walk. Making a long walk, looking around, asking people, crossing roads~ I started to feel comfortable~ the people here are very nice~! They’re willing to help~ have a chat~ they even gave me a way when I was about to cross the street. Itz funny to noe Aberdeen’s accent is not as Scottish as I thought, better than british I think :P
I was spending all day long around Aberdeen~ & getting familiar with the places. I get used to the fact that im d only malay around anywhere for then~ most of the time smuanya org putih saja~ yah sometimes the teens get all bangang watching me goin there and here alone with a smiley face~ truth is I was feeling cheery all the way, Aberdeen’s a great place~!
There’s time when I get sad and homesick~ & thatz every time I reached on bed in my room~ ..p~ Rasanya sangat bersyukur~ especially for having the most wonderful parentz~ who were willing to sent me here to study~ I’LL DO MY BEST~!! I get really emotional if I talked about my love for my family and friends~ so let me skip that part dlu ah~ :P nnti th.
Back to my journey~ after all that~ I just remembered yg aku blm breakfast&lunch~ I went into a bakery shop~ and bought a daily crème trifle for 1pound~ malas kn mnunggu bas, I walked all the way up to hill head halls sambil makan~ it was scrumptious! Ppl were starring at me, I ignored myself from getting paranoid tho~ whatz wrong with a malay gal eating a creamy raspberry pie?
Man, I was really glad to arrive in my room by the late afternoon~ Well, atleast I didn’t waste my day~ Yup, thatz it for todayz journey~
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