D weather is getting really cold now~... ahhhh nothingz better than a nice hot shower in a dead cold weather doncha tink? :) bcoz of that, i tend to be late for classes more frequently! Bukan main lama dalam jamban ahhh~.. XD
~.... At the moment, i have to prepare a new poster for our Nippon Connections Japanese film festival event :D yes i know, our society is pretty active no? To think it was only published last year, im pretty proud of it!~ i lap u Dodi chan and Sumei! (their effort as the president and vice president are pretty amazing!)
We had our 2nd Onigiri sale a weeks ago, and i would say it was better than before, we gained quite a good profit out of it.
Being the one incharge of interacting with the customers is really fun ;P although i did get tired for talking too much. This year, besides onigiri, we were selling SUSHI too :) the reason why a hell lot ppl came today actually. It was good~... Dodi chan so rajin - decorating all the onigiri and sushi with stickers - turning them into cute faces :D Awww... look at all the sushi~ dengan mata2nya ah XD cute kali ahhhh~ u want? 1.50 only~ Our early customers~! We sell from 11am to 3pm~ but 12pm was the peak, we ran out of sushi at 1pm, ytah many late comers complained about it.
But itz an Onigiri sale, not sushi sale!Look at the poster - see??!
Oh well~ still im glad. There's people askng whether we could sell japanese food more frequently, but itz not that easy!
D members who worked in the kitchen that day yang paling teruk, they have to keep making onigiri over and over since the onigiri goes out quickly. I solute you all!! Thank you for working hard ;D
At the end of the day, the piggy coupon box was full~! We had made good fortune hohoho~.. Butlalahehhhh~ what a day~.. like Ben-ben, i slept on the seat at the end of the day as well.
The new members are really helpful ;) everyone made a good cooperation. One ended the day with a smile ;) and beautiful sweet smelling flowers.
Owh~ we had our1st Workshop last 2 weeks~ Origami!! Just a paper folding event~..
But still~ the amount of people came filled up the room~!! Im so happy that a lot of people interested in these kind of stuffz ;) more and more members joined our society, itz getting really big somehow :) altho, im not sure what will happen when Dodi have to step out from the group one day..
Yup~..it happened this morning =,= I woke up late this morning when i thought my Community ecology practical would start at 9am! But thatz the thing about having 4 courses with practicals (some every week, some every 2 weeks), I get confuse easily! *_*
I dont like practicals, they're long and tiring. But it definitely better than having to do essays and reports ;P
Anyway, i dont care what u think about the drawings tho, this is my 1st try out ba..give chance laa.. Owh and that crow in the last drawing is saying "Paka paka" - it supposed to be "Baka baka" actually oppz :P Nobitatu punya pasal.
The 1st snow came down this morning, so everything is covered in white~ lupaku lukis snowbah lalala~... anyway, after d call, i went straight back home (another 10min walk). With the sense of relieve, looking at our snowy garden (Yes,we also have our very own garden;)) got me excited and rolled myself all over the snow~..sampatku gambar lagi hehe
I finally got my all-in-one hp printer,scanner&copier from Ka Faizah yesterday~ Now i get to print notes and scan drawings~!! :D:D:D I did say about wanting to have a comic diary in my blog before, now i can do it anytime i want!!
At the end, Im not sure anymore~...
Fine fine~ i go back to photo diary la again~ hohoho :P Nothing much interesting happen lately tho, we just had a lot of Nippon Connections activities.. And with the bruneians - meeting up and hanging out have turned into our daily routine nowadays.
Owh, itz Ryanz 22th bday today~.. celebrating in his house, large pizzas and playing rock band, itz good enough to call it a day of fun.
Nippon Connections had a trip to Edinburgh few days ago~ It took more den 3hrs bus trip to go for the Japan day in Edinburgh University. Same ol same ol~not much difference den the japan day in aberdeen lastyear. But it was the day where i get to get along with the new members - so i would say the trip was still worth it :) i had so much fun.
26 of us altogether actually~ and only 5 old members joined this trip!
In the bus~ XD on the way back to aberdeen was fun~ And owh~ guess who this is :D
My Nobita-kun! XD mesti bangang orang ni aha~ panjang cetanya~...
Me and him, we argued a lot!!
Anyway..like i said, the Japan day was quite similar like last year~ so.. -_- malaslahku kan gmbar doz yg sama mcm dulu, but derz 1program dat i love that day. Japanese storytelling for children, the kids are so~cute!
At d end of d storytelling, d kids are given papers n colourpencils hahaha~ Nobita and I were d only adult that joined along~ cute kali ahhh berkawan dengan kanak2 jepun, d kids talked to me in Japanese, so i hantam2 sajala ikut2tan bercerita.
Mine and nobita's work of art haha, when all the papers were collected, im sure you have no idea these are actually not drawn by kids. Bukannya main buruk punya lukisanku ah.
P since den Nobita started to call me Doremon *_* nda pernah ku dangar ia pnggil my real name~ anak atu banar..
Just lastnight we chat online. As usual, berkelahi the whole way *_* but he showed me an interesting video.. the ending for Doraemon!! Fine, maybe aku lambat, p mana ku tau kan~ i like the ending :D:D:D ...Itz funny knowing that i've finally get to watch something i've always wanted to see a long time ago.........:)
Wooohooo~!! Finally~!!! Internet at home~!!! I really do hope i could update my blog more often...but couldnt express my real thoughts well :P buruk bah, thus i posted more picz den words, boreng ah..
Owh, i should have posted this a long time ago, p nda jua sampai-sampainya:
11th October 2008
Hi everyone~
let me try to update whatz new & whatz not. Im a 2nd year Marine Biology Undergraduate now~! Alhamdullilah this time I am sponsored by the government n manage to continue my study in University of Aberdeen.
Itz been uhh~ 3 weeks since I came back from Brunei… n my utak is still not working very well yet :P Not much different in 2nd year, except Im having 4 course per semester instead of 3 this time~.. and worst - 4 practicals in 1 week aarrrgghhhh.
Im living with 2 of my Malaysian friends, Alin and Fairus, in a very nice 2storey house. I can even see the ocean from my window :D yup, im loving it so much!My lovely room
The hallway~ (Alin's big room upstairs) Kitchen (Just infront of my room)Living room
20min walk to Uni tho, thatz d down side of it~ so.. I BOUGHT A BIKE!!~.. Hehe, imagine me cycling down to Uni, Im still not used to it. Yah, itz all down hill, so going to Uni is quite a luxury~ but going home is hell. I wont complain, I think itz better that way.
Since this year is my last honeymoon year, I hope to make d most of it and gain more experience ;) hopefully meeting more good friends as well~ ….waaaahhh, cant wait!
Starting this semester, Im holding d position as the publisher of Nippon Connection society~ advertising the public - freak me out a li'l bit actually, i draw and decorate stuffz but im not the type who uses photoshop!! I did warn my president,Dodiabout diz *_* tho i was willing to take the risk!It was my very 1st time to make these kind of posters...
Takutla apa orang kan cakap, but it turned out no complains wlupun itz not that good :) fuhhh~
My 1st poster~ 2nd poster (last minute work)
I handed in d 2nd poster pretty late, Dodi was not happy at all~ :( I feel really bad, I have always been the latest one (selalu kana marah mahirah msa equinox dulu jua *_* sorrryyyy) I hope i would stop making there kind of mistakes~ i just have to tryyyy harrdeerrrr
(lemme put in d thankU post i've typed in on d 11/10/08)
After a long summer holiday~ Nda sangka Dodi and Peter masih ingatkan aku~ they gave me gifts~ :) Thank you~ thank you~
Peter bought me a note book and photo book~ with all our pictures in it!! Im loving it so much! So happy ^_^ I’ve always wanted to make these kind of things.
Never thought Peter would give me as my birthday gift! D photo book is like a photo album story book ;) and my funny face sana sini inside, calilahhh~ but as itz d best gift as a kenangan~..
Owh owh~ n Dodi brought some goodies n gifts for everyone from Japan! I got cute notebook n cookies from her :) Ada devil printed on d cookie~! Rasa sayang kan dimakan~ but I just did haha. Once again~ thank you for the gifts u two~!!